Make your life count…

invest in eternity

Give to Power of God World Outreach

  • Credit Card / Apple Pay

  • Text Message

    POWEROFGOD to 77977

  • CashApp

  • Zelle

  • Monthly Partner

  • U.S. Mail

    Power of God World Outreach
    P. O. Box 2331 • Valrico, FL 33595

  • Wire Transfer

    Please contact the ministry office:
    USA +1 817 907 5755

  • Other Types of Giving

    Please contact us for non-cash gifts, stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, or other estate planning needs.

Why give?

  • As you invest your financial resources into reaching the world for Jesus Christ, you engage in the thing that is closest to God’s heart. He loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to die for them—and many of them just do not know it yet.

  • Your monthly financial partnership helps us preach the Gospel around the world, revive the Church, and equip Believers to carry out the work of supernatural ministry.

  • Investing your finances into the harvest of souls around the world does not just qualify you for treasure in heaven. Jesus promised that as you invest your life, money and possessions into the Gospel, He multiplies it back to you—in this life.

100 years from now it won't matter what kind of house you had, what kind of car you drove, or what possessions you owned.

All that will matter is what you did that made an eternal difference in someone's life.

There is no higher purpose for our money and “stuff” than reaching lost souls with the Gospel.